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David Tarver honored with ECE Alumni Merit Award

Returning to campus to receive his award, Tarver spoke about the arc of his professional journey from electrical engineer to community advocate.

EECS commemorates Juneteenth with event celebrating excellence and diversity in tech

Over 200 community members came together for the department’s 5th annual Juneteenth celebration, featuring musical performances, presentations by students, talks by distinguished alumni, and local Black-owned food trucks.

Family Fun Night celebrates the wonders of ECE research, community

The event featured interactive research stations, student team demos, and carnival attractions, including the chance to dunk a professor.

Gregory Robinson details the journey of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope for Gilleo Lectureship

Under Robinson’s leadership, the James Webb Space Telescope project went from being years behind schedule and billions over-budget to one of NASA’s greatest achievements of the 21st century.

ECE’s Culture Club brings the (virtual) community together

Each event is led by an ECE student, staff, or faculty member and showcases the different traditions, languages, food, crafts, history, etc., of their home country or region.

EECS Juneteenth celebration features song, readings, and a proposal for change

In observance of the holiday that marks the end of chattel slavery, faculty, students, and alumni performed music, shared personal stories, and presented a proposal to the EECS chairs for initiatives to enhance diversity and equity and realize systemic equality in the department.

Alumna Prof. Adrienne Stiff-Roberts honored with the Willie Hobbs Moore Distinguished Lectureship

The Duke University Professor delivered a virtual talk on enabling hybrid thin films for optoelectronics and shared her memories of Michigan.

ECE Expeditions Goes “On the Town”

Pre-COVID-19, ECE Expeditions took thirteen students to the heart of the Big Apple to tour a variety of tech companies, including IBM.

Russel Lecture: Fighting climate change with organic electronics

The researcher-entrepreneur who helped bring OLED displays to the masses envisions a future of efficient lighting and next-gen solar power.

Katie Bouman wows U-M community with insider's look at the black hole imaging project

Speaking to a full house in Rackham, Dr. Katie Bouman – Michigan ECE alum – explained the history and science of the project that gave us the first ever photo of a black hole.

Nobel Prize winners talk research, Nobel ceremony, and are remembered by U-M colleagues

From rubbing elbows with royalty to finding yourself a casual seatmate to a member of U2, Professor Emeritus Gérard Mourou, Prof. Donna Strickland, and their former U-M colleagues shared their experiences and reflections on the 2018 Nobel Prize ceremony.

Machine Learning takes over the EECS Atrium

Students in EECS 545: Machine Learning, taught by Prof. AL Hero, presented their final projects in a poster session sponsored by KLA.

7th Annual LNF Symposium brings together industry, academia for a celebration of nanoscale research

ECE professors and students were key members of this year’s event and took away top prizes for the poster competition.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers makes connections, builds relationships at annual convention

At the largest convention for Hispanic STEM students and professionals, U-M students attended career panels and workshops while networking with a variety of big-name companies.

Institution partnerships offer best of both worlds

ECE helped host faculty from Morehouse College and Prairie View A&M University to explore cross-collaboration opportunities, which allow students and faculty to experience the cultures of both Historically Black Colleges & Universities and U-M.

ECE Distinguished Seminar Series kicks off with MEMS Pioneer and Inventor, Kurt Petersen

Dr. Kurt Petersen, Co-Chair of HardTech Group at Silicon Valley Band of Angels and 2019 IEEE Medal of Honor Recipient, presented on “60 Years of MEMS Start-up Companies.”

Designing the future of the human-tech interface

Rick Bergman, EVP of Computing and Graphics at Advanced Micro Devices, came to campus to accept the 2019 ECE Alumni Impact Award and spoke about his career and the future of computing and human interface.

ECE honors Spirit Day 2019

Faculty, students, and staff came together in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community for the world-wide anti-bullying campaign.

Xbox Kinect architect, Dawson Yee, wins 2019 College of Engineering Alumni Merit Award for ECE

Yee gave advice to students on how to best prepare for a career helping produce the next generation of high-tech electronics.

Georgia Tech Dean of College of Engineering, Steve McLaughlin, wins 2019 ECE Distinguished Educator Award

McLaughlin spoke about how academic institutions can take better care of their students’ mental health while providing a fuller academic experience, as well as his love for U-M.

ECE hosts first Grad School Workshop to showcase benefits of an advanced degree

The workshop attracted students from all over the country and demystified the ECE graduate school experience.

Commission on Carbon Neutrality talks progress, environmental justice at town hall

Prof. Stephen Forrest, who serves as co-chair of the commission, attended the forum to address concerns and give updates on the plan of action.

Advancing microelectronics and systems for the security of the future

As an ECE Distinguished Lecturer, Dr. Jeremy Muldavin (BSE EP; MSE PhD EE) spoke about a DoD initiative to improve the competitiveness of the U.S. in microelectronics.

Students tour the world of Silicon Valley for ECE Expeditions

For the 6th ECE Expeditions trip, students toured seven Silicon Valley companies from small startups to large multi-national corporations, receiving facetime with U-M CEOs, executives, and founders.

Black Engineers convention comes to Detroit and ECE is there to welcome the record-breaking 14,000 attendees

At this year’s convention for the National Society of Black Engineers, U-M professors, students, and alums came together with the other attendees to share experiences, offer career advice, and explore how to improve society.

A Spotlight on Optics

The Optics Society at U-M hosted an Industry Spotlight event, which brought academia, industry, and community together to celebrate all things optics and photonics.

A world-shaking discovery 100 years in the making

Prof. Nergis Mavalvala detailed the history and science behind the discovery of gravitational waves as the inaugural recipient of the M. Alten Gilleo Distinguished Lectureship

Hacking the perfect melody

Project Music brought together students from all backgrounds across the university to originate musically-inspired creations for the first Music Makeathon.

Stéphane Lafortune named N. Harris McClamroch Professor of EECS

Lafortune's research in discrete event systems includes multiple problem domains, with applications to computer and software systems.

ECE Expeditions travels to GM

Students toured General Motors Tech Center in Warren, MI, for ECE Expeditions.

ECE students display their research at the 2018 Graduate Engineering Symposium

Students’ projects encompassed a wide variety of fields: revolutionizing energy systems, advancing technologies, and improving cybersecurity.

ECE Community takes a stand against bullying

Spirit Day activities look to make ECE and U-M a more compassionate, inclusive place.

ECE Family Fun Night draws over 500 attendees

Attendees explored engineering teams, labs, and projects with demonstrations and games.

STEM Education: A taste of research for K-12 teachers

The REACT workshop pairs U-M researchers with K-12 science educators to introduce primary school teachers to new laboratory science and classroom-friendly activities.

Exoskeletons compete to boost strength of rescue workers

Five college teams test robotic suits that could enhance humans’ abilities.

Inaugural ECE Willie Hobbs Moore Alumni Lecture: Dr. Isaac R. Porche III

Porche discussed the changing definition of war and how information is playing a greater role than ever.

Alfred Hero illustrates common threads of complex networks in Distinguished University Professor lecture

Lecture part of highest professorial honor bestowed on U-M faculty.

Stephen Forrest: ECE Bicentennial + Beyond lecture

This series of talks features world-renowned faculty with a long history at Michigan.

Students Visit Detroit Companies with ECE Expeditions

Students visited DTE Energy and Ford in Detroit to learn about the life of electrical and computer engineers in industry.

Historic satellite launch brings U-M history to space

Planning to launch mid-2018, an exciting team of Michigan students is designing a space-based time capsule.

U-M Optics researchers sponsor Optics and Photonics Industry Snapshot

The Optics and Photonics event showed a thriving industry in SE Michigan

Celebrating the Persian new year at ECE’s Nowruz event

A celebration with traditional food, calligraphy, and musical performances.

SSCS Distinguished Lecturer Edith Beigné on auto-adaptive digital circuits

Beigné is a senior scientist at the “most innovative research organization”

Expeditions: Bay Area

The first cross-country Expeditions trip took students on a tour of companies in San Jose, California.

LNF User Symposium – Sharing ideas and celebrating innovation

The symposium highlighted the world-class work done at the University.

Wide-ranging ECE research presented at 2016 Engineering Graduate Symposium

Systems to study cancer stem cells, new methods to remotely measure snow and ice thickness, radar for autonomous vehicles, navigation systems that don’t rely on GPS, nanowire lasers, and methods to model lithium-ion batteries were just a few of the many winning projects presented by ECE students

Expeditions: Ann Arbor

The first ever ECE Expeditions trip took students on a tour of Ann Arbor companies NeuroNexus, Quantum Signal, and Menlo Innovations.

Having fun with ECE

The event highlighted the projects and work of several student teams and labs, giving kids and adults alike a chance to see ECE’s ingenuity in action.

EECS students Row Blue! to victory

Four EECS students part of the Michigan Men’s Rowing team that won their 9th consecutive national championship

EECS research highlighted at 2016 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference

The University hosted the 2016 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, which allowed attendees to hear about the latest in robotics through talks, presentations, workshops, and tutorials.

Leaders in neuroscience look to the future

ICAN bring engineers and neuroscientists together to review the recent advancement in neurotechnology and neuroscience, define the need for next-generation tools, and enhance the translation of technology to the scientific community.

Michigan shines at the National Robotics Initiative 5 year anniversary

The NRI is a multi-agency effort to accelerate the development and use of robots that work beside or cooperatively with people.

EECS 183 Showcase highlights another round of final projects

EECS 183 is the introductory CS class for LSA students, and it has been designed to broaden participation in the discipline.

Nobel Laureate Shuji Nakamura delivers Dow Distinguished Lecture (with video)

Prof. Nakamura is the 2014 Nobel Laureate in Physics for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes, which enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources.

CSE at South by Southwest

Students highlighted a number of projects from CSE in the U-M booth at the show.

2015-16 Undergraduate Student Awards

Students, parents, and faculty gathered to celebrate the achievements of EECS students who earned a special award for academic achievement, research, service, or entrepreneurial activities.

Design Automation Conference Technical Program Committee Holds Meeting in Detroit

Prof. Valeria Bertacco, Technical Program Chair for the 2017 conference, chose Michigan as the meeting location.

ECE celebrates Diwali

Diwali is an ancient Hindu festival that signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair.

ECE students and alumni celebrate research and progress at the 2015 Engineering Graduate Symposium

Posters and presentations were judged by faculty and a visiting group of 14 returning ECE alumni, and winners were chosen in each area of study.

First-ever ECE Career Fair builds student careers and alumni connections

Local companies set up stands in the EECS Atrium to recruit from over 200 graduate and undergraduate students.

San Diego alumni connect and celebrate at ECE event

There were 40 alumni in attendance, with graduation years ranging from 1965 to 2014.

Ashraf Dahod: 2015 CoE Alumni Medal Award Winner

Dahod has combined an understanding of technology with a knack for recognizing market opportunities and built a string of successful technology companies.

Electrify Tech Camps offer high schoolers an electrifying summer

In ECE’s first-ever Electrify Summer Tech Camps, students gathered for three five-day sessions to learn the basics of electrical and computer engineering.

EECS students make career connections at NSBE conference

55 U-M engineers attended the convention, themed “Reimagining Your Future,” and developed vital connections in their field.

Michigan Light Project: Shining a light on optics

The MLP seeks to provide outreach and education about the world of optics in general, and the optics industry in Michigan specifically.

ECE alumni networking event at Transducers Conference

About 65 alumni, students, faculty, friends and family gathered for dinner and an opportunity to catch up with the department.

Chicago alumni connect at networking reception

The ACC is one of the world's premier scientific and engineering conferences dedicated to the advancement of control theory and practice.

ECE alumni connections at IMS2015

Along with alumni, there were current and former faculty members, current students, friends, and colleagues, including several program managers, in attendance.

Silicon valley entrepreneurs help bring WIMS2 technology to the world

Shahin and Sassan discussed everything from the acquisition trends of small vs. large companies to the importance of building a team with a range of expertise.

ECE’s ideas worth spreading – TEDxUofM

Profs. Shai Revzen and Herbert Winful spoke about their passion for their work at the sixth annual conference, themed “Constructive Interference”.

HKN students crowned Mr. and Ms. Engineer at the the Engineering Games

The competition raised over $2,000 for the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program.

Jessy Grizzle Delivers Distinguished University Professorship Lecture on Bipedal Robots

The lecture covered the different iterations of Prof. Grizzle's world-renowned bipedal creations since he started work on Rabbit in 1999.

LNF User Symposium – sharing ideas and celebrating innovation

The 2014 LNF (Lurie Nanofabrication Facility) User Symposium highlighted the cutting-edge research enabled by Michigan's world-class facility.

ECE students and alumni celebrate research and progress at the 2014 Engineering Graduate Symposium

ECE researchers had a strong presence at this year’s event, comprising nearly 80 of the day’s more than 240 presentations.

Students host event inspired by study abroad experience

Students worked on a GIEU program in Amritsar, India, where they participated in langar events at the Golden Temple.

Alumni explore lots of EECS-related engineering with their kids

Three hundred and eighty alumni and children stretched across North Campus, dabbling in drones and bones, rockets and radioactives.

Awards and Slaying of the Dragon at St. George's Day Feast - 2014

Prof. Jessy Grizzle was awarded "Professor of the Year" by HKN.

Dedication Ceremony Held for Bob and Betty Beyster Building

The College of Engineering held a dedication ceremony for the naming of the Bob and Betty Beyster Building, which is the home of the Computer Science and Engineering Division. The building has been named in recognition of a $15 million gift to the College of Engineering.

Frontiers in Semiconductor Based Devices Symposium in tribute to Pallab Bhattacharya

Bhattacharya’s is known for his work in quantum dot formation, which he discovered and then expanded upon.