Leaders in neuroscience look to the future

ICAN bring engineers and neuroscientists together to review the recent advancement in neurotechnology and neuroscience, define the need for next-generation tools, and enhance the translation of technology to the scientific community.

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Engineers and neuroscientists from around the globe gathered at the Henry Ford Museum in June to explore the future of neurotechnology and research at the International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology (ICAN). Featured guest speakers from Germany, Puerto Rico, the UK, and the US covered many aspects of modern brain research.

Understanding the complexity and mysteries of the brain is one of the biggest scientific challenges of this century. ICAN is an inaugural conference to bring engineers and neuroscientists together to review the recent advancement in neurotechnology and neuroscience, define the need for next-generation tools to move neuroscience forward, and enhance the translation of technology to the scientific community. The event included guest lectures and panel discussions, as well as a student poster session.

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ICAN was organized by the International Program for the Advancement of Neurotechnology(IPAN). Directed by Prof. Euisik Yoon, the program supports a “dream team of researchers” from eight universities around the world with the goal of simplifying the ability of a neuroscientist to map neural networks in the brain. This research could lead to better prosthetics and treatments for conditions like Parkinson’s disease, deafness, blindness, paralysis and depression.

In addition, a key mission of IPAN is to provide advanced educational opportunities for undergraduate students, and provide international experience for both undergraduate and graduate students. This summer, eight students are studying abroad in Frieburg and Hamburg, Germany, where they’ll get firsthand experience with neurotechnology research.

IPAN is funded under the NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) program.

Watch Videos of the Talks

Click here for a playlist of the talks.

Opening Remarks by Euisik Yoon and György Buzsáki
The Rocky Road to Neurotechnology: A Retrospective by Ken Wise, University of Michigan
The BRAIN initiative: What Do We Do With All That Data? by Howard Eichenbaum, Boston University
Why Do We Need So Many Neurons? by György Buzsáki, New York University
Neonatal Brain Rhythms in Health and Disease by Ieana Hanganu-Opatz, University of Hamburg
A Performance Comparison of Active vs. Passive and Switched vs. Unswitched in a Chronic 384-channel Si Probe by Tim Harris, Janelia Farm
Day 2 Welcoming Remarks by Jack Hu, University of Michigan
Investigating Circuits of Conditioned Fear and Avoidance by Greg Quirk, University of Puerto Rico
A Bio-inspired Neuromorhpic Chip for Efficient Computing and Bio-interface by Wei Lu, University of Michigan
Hardware and Software for Next-generation Neuronal Population Recording by Kenneth Harris, University College London
Toward High-density Optoelectrodes: Bringing Light to Neural Probes by Euisik Yoon, University of Michigan
Brain; Division News; Electronics, Devices, Computers; Euisik Yoon; Events; International Partnerships; MEMS and Microsystems; Precision Health; Research News