Video game programmers to demo “Code for Good” at Ann Arbor District Library

Wolverine Soft, the student group dedicated to development of video games at Michigan, will demo video games made during the recent “Code for Good” Game Jam at an event to be held at the Ann Arbor District Library main branch on Saturday March 15, 2014 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm.
The games were created during the Intel-sponsored game jam, which took place the weekend of February 21 – 23 with about 40 students participating. The goal of the event was to create complete, playable video games for kids on the subject of science. Nine games were completed, spanning a wide variety of scientific themes, from blood-cell biology and astronomical supernovae to projectile physics and chemical reactions.
The library event is open to the public, with players of all ages invited to try out the games. Screenshots from a few of the games are below.