Student projects lab provides training, expertise on embedded systems topics

This Winter, the Student Projects Lab (SPL), directed by Dr. Mark Brehob, has provided open lessons on fundamentals in embedded systems projects for undergraduate and graduate students.

The lessons have been filled to capacity for the sessions completed this term, with students attending the 1.5-hour, hand-on courses on the basics of PCB design using Eagle, a tool available on all CAEN machines; soldering; and embedded programming on Arduino and MSP430.
There are limited spaces available for the remaining sessions this term; interested students should follow this link to view available courses, to download course information, and to sign up.
These short courses are just one example of the services available to students through the SPL. The lab, supported by both Intel and EECS, is available to all U-M students, staff, and faculty, and provides the resources needed to do basic embedded systems work. Any student with an electronics project may stop by for assistance during open office hours, which are from 3:00 – 5:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The lab also hosts short-term undergraduate faculty-sponsored projects related to embedded systems. Interested faculty members should contact Dr. Brehob with questions or to arrange for use of the lab.