MHacks III to take place in downtown Detroit

Student organizers have announced that the third MHacks hackathon will take place in downtown Detroit on Martin Luther King weekend, Jan. 17-19, 2014. MHacks has emerged as the premier, “most epic” entirely student-run hackathon, with the September 2013 MHacks event clocking in at 1,214 student participants from 70 schools, the largest physical gathering of student hackers in the world. Organizers of the the upcoming MHacks expect a similar turnout.

In a new first, MHacks III marks the first time the competition has moved off the University of Michigan campus. Detroit was chosen for its central location and its emergence as an entrepreneurial hub. In addition to providing an incredible hacking experience in the tradition of the first two MHacks events, the organizers hope to expose students to the tech revolution taking place in Detroit and to keep them coming back after they graduate. According to MHacks III Director Dylan Hurd, “No other event will redefine Detroit with such impact and scope to students across the country. ”
MHacks is a 36-hour period during which students from universities and high schools across the country work together in teams of up to four to create, or “hack,” anything from a mobile app to a website to a physical product. Successful hacks employ skills ranging from computer programming to interface design and user experience. Teams typically form around an idea or the skills of individuals, and often consist of students who haven’t met before the hackathon. MHacks is run by student organizations Michigan Hackers and MPowered Entrepreneurship.
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