Duncan Madden receives NDSEG Fellowship for research that could revolutionize communication and radar systems

PhD student Duncan Madden received a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship for his electromagnetics research that could enable full-duplex communication systems. These systems would allow data to be transmitted and received simultaneously within the same frequency band, which could double the usable bandwidth or data rate.
“Many technologies that improve societal standards and bolster national security are reliant on efficient and dynamic electromagnetics-based device,” Madden said. “A full-duplex system would revolutionize communication and radar systems.”
Madden’s research could help optimize the size, weight, and power usage of satellite systems, which would benefit defense missions. It could further the development and optimization of antenna systems, transmitter and receiver electronics, communication capabilities, jamming and anti-jamming capabilities, overall system size, and multi-functional capabilities. In addition, it could help lessen inequality, for many minority communities lack reliable internet connection, which restricts access to education and can place students at a disadvantage relative to their peers.
“One of my goals is to help create a more equitable society,” Madden said. “Improved data rates would also allow internet service providers to offer faster internet speeds at lower costs, which would help bridge the broadband divide that negatively impacts rural and poor communities.”
“One of my goals is to help create a more equitable society.”
Duncan Madden
Madden earned his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico. He is a member of the Radiation Laboratory, and he’s advised by Prof. Kamal Sarabandi.