CAD Team Places Second at 2010 CADathlon
The CADathlon challenges students’ CAD knowledge and associated problem solving, programming, and teamwork skills.

The team of electrical engineering PhD students Myung-Chul Kim and and Dong-Jin Lee tied for 2nd place in the 2010 CADathlon, an all-day programming competition organized by the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA) and held at the 2010 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). ICCAD took place November 7-11, 2010 in San Jose, CA, and is a top conference in the field of Electronic Design Automation.
Kim, Lee, and their advisor Prof. Igor Markov, also received the IEEE/ACM William J. McCalla Best Paper Award at the same conference.
At the CADathon, Kim and Lee worked from 8:00am to 5:00pm to solve six problems in circuit design and analysis, physical design, logic and high-level synthesis, system design and analysis, functional verification, and Bio EDA. In tying for second place, the team extended Michigan’s record of success at the CADathon: in five out of six competitions, Michigan teams have placed first or second.
The CADathlon challenges students’ CAD knowledge and associated problem solving, programming, and teamwork skills. It serves as an innovative initiative to assist in the development of top students in the EDA field, and provides a platform for SIGDA, academia, and industry to focus attention on the best and brightest of next generation CAD professionals. The CADathon is open to graduate students specializing in CAD currently enrolled full-time in a Ph.D. granting institution in any country.
Myung-Chul Kim is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering. His research interests include analytic placement, clock-tree generation, and timing analysis. His advisor is Prof. Igor Markov.
Dong-Jin Lee is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering. His research interests include clock-network synthesis and large-scale placement of integrated circuits. His advisor is Prof. Igor Markov.