2016-17 Undergraduate Student Awards
Awards covered academic achievement, research, service, and entrepreneurship

Students, parents, and faculty gathered on Friday, March 24, 2017 to celebrate the achievements of EECS students who earned a special award for academic achievement, research, service, or entrepreneurial activities. Khalil Najafi, Chair for Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Peter Chen, Interim Chair for Computer Science and Engineering, presented the awards.

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College of Engineering Awards
Distinguished Leadership Award
Presented to undergraduate and graduate students of the College of Engineering who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to the College, University, and community.
- Melinda Kothbauer, Computer Engineering
- Kevin Shah, Computer Science
Marian Sarah Parker Prize
Presented to an outstanding woman undergraduate who has demonstrated academic excellence, leadership qualities and outstanding contributions to the University and/or community.
- Tara Safavi, Computer Science
Mildred & Steele Bailey Prize
Presented to an outstanding senior who has demonstrated academic excellence, leadership qualities and outstanding contributions to the University and/or community.
- Anna Dai, Computer Science
Tau Beta Pi First-Year Award
Presented to outstanding rst year students to recognize exemplary character and academic achievements. Awardees are selected by Tau Beta Pi.
- Michelle Gu, Computer Engineering
- Andrew Ramacher, Computer Science
William H. Mack Engineering Prize
Awardees of the Mack Prize have been judged to have submitted the best all around paper or papers on any non-engineering subject of their own choosing.
- Alexander Meikle, Electrical Engineering
EECS Awards
Outstanding Achievement Award
Presented to an outstanding senior student from each of the three programs of study (EE, CE, and CS) in EECS. Students are selected on the basis of outstanding overall academic and personal excellence.
- Zihuan Diao, Computer Engineering
- Maxwell Li, Electrical Engineering
- Kevin Shah, Computer Science
William L. Everitt Student Award of Excellence
Presented to a top student from each of the three programs of study (EE, CE, and CS). These students are in the top 10% of their class and have an interest in communications and computers, as well as professional interests and activities.
- Yaman Abdulhak, Computer Science
- Yifan Hao, Computer Engineering
- Paul Reggentin, Electrical Engineering
Outstanding Research Award
Given to students who completed an outstanding research project with a faculty member or graduate student over and above the requirements of a course or an independent project.
- Zhihong Luo, Electrical Engineering
- Tara Safavi, Computer Science
- Kevin Yang, Computer Engineering
Outstanding Service Award
Presented to students who have shown exceptional leadership in their student organizations, service to the University, College, or Department, or service to the community.
- Anna Dai, Computer Science
- Melinda Kothbauer, Computer Engienering
- Andrew Turek, Electrical Engineering
William Harvey Seeley Prize
Presented to an electrical engineering student who stands first in his/her class at the completion of the freshman year.
- Joseph Costello, Electrical Engineering
Presented to a top student from each of the three programs of study (EE, CE, and CS) who exemplifies a partnership between engineering and business through involvement in or startup of a private business, patents, or partnerships with corporations, furthering their field of knowledge or interest.
- Ziqi Guo, Computer Science
- Michael Jin, Computer Engineering
Richard K. Brown Memorial Scholarship
Presented to an electrical engineering student with an interest in acoustics or amateur (ham) radio.
- Phil Ring, Computer Engineering
- Aaron Zeller, Electrical Engineering
EECS Scholars
Given to EECS Seniors (85 credits and above) who have been at U-M at least two full semesters and have a cumulative 3.9 GPA or greater as of Fall 2015.
Evan Agattas (CS)
Jovan Attisha (CE)
Yunsheng Bai (CE)
Yuwei Bao (CS)
Wenbo Bao (EE)
Leah Bar-On Simmons (CS)
Karthik Bhandarkar (CS)
Holly Borla (CS)
Jonathan Brelje (CS)
Sabrina Brogren (CS)
Jiaqing Bu (EE)
Nicholas Bush (CS)
Spencer Carmichael (EE)
Mickey Chao (CS)
Haoyang Chen (EE)
Rodrigo Cuba (EE)
Anna Dai (CS)
Alexander Dennis (CS)
Samir Desai (CS)
Zihuan Diao (CE)
Paul Domanico (EE)
Junjie Dong (EE)
Madeline Endres (CS)
Siying Feng (CE)
Nathan Fenner (CS)
Curtis Fenner (CS)
Chen Fu (EE)
Gabrielle Gaeta (CS)
Zhongren Gao (CS)
Paul Giessner (EE)
Andrew Gitlin (CS)
Todd Goodall (CS)
Rashmika Goswami (CS)
Shuvro Guha (CS)
Ziqi Guo (CS)
Zhiyuan He (CS)
Rahul Hingorani (EE)
Colton Holoday (CS)
Reed Hostrander (CS)
Lixing Huang (CE)
Yanda Huang (CE)
Olena Huang (CS)
Ivor Huang (CS)
Eric Hwang (CS)
Jonathan Jan (CS)
Steven Jecmen (CS)
Daniel Jin (CE)
Sharang Karve (CE)
Youssef Katamish (CS)
Julia Kerst (EE)
Ameya Khare (CS)
Saad Khatri (EE)
Dominik Konik (CS)
Max Kontorovich (CS)
Joshua Kremers (DS)
Connor Krupp (CS)
Katy Lau (CS)
Dylan Lawton (CS)
Perry Lee (CS)
Margo Leibold (CS)
Samuel Li (CE, CS)
Maxwell Li (EE)
Yeqing Lin (CS)
Liang Liu (CS)
Tong Liu (CS)
Xieyang Liu (CS)
Xiaoshu Liu (EE)
Duane London (EE)
Zhihong Luo (EE)
Brian Ma (CS)
Connor Mackey (EE)
Timothy Macpherson (CE)
Karl Marco (CS)
Andrew Marino (CS)
Christopher Marsh (EE)
Jason Millen (CS)
Justin Millman (CS)
Daniel Minahan (CS)
James Mitchel (CS)
Albert Morgese (CS)
Yipeng Mou (EE)
Jay Mulani (CE)
Kevin Ni (CS)
Vamsi Nimmagadda (CS)
omas Oliver (CE)
Adrian Padin (CE)
Graham Palmer (CS)
Sharvil Patel (CE)
John Payne (CS)
Joshua Pendleton (CS)
Seth Perrin (EE)
Raghav Prabhu (CS)
Sasawat Prankprakma (CS)
Nitin Ram (CS)
Kishore Rao (CE)
Trevor Rees (CS)
Joh Reeves (CS)
Dean Robinson (CS)
Luke Ross (CS)
Tara Safavi (CS)
John Schaefer (CS)
Kevin Shah (CS)
Ankit Shah (CS)
Aman Sharma (CS)
Curt Silverthorn (CS)
Tanvir Singh (CS)
Christian Smith (CS)
Pranav Srinivasan (CS)
Carl Steinhauser (EE)
Pascal Sturmfels (CS)
Qihan Sun (CE)
Bruce Szudera Wienand (CS)
Daniel Takayama (CS)
Yue Tan (CS)
Nikhil Tase (CS)
Michael Toennies (EE)
Austin Tsao (CS)
Siddharth Venkatesan (CE)
Tiberiu Vilcu (CS)
Davis Vorva (CS)
Angelo Vozza III (CS)
Henry Wang (CE)
Yunqi Wang (CS)
Ruochen Wang (CS)
Kangxu Wang (CS)
Jiachen Wang (CS)
Jason Whit eld (CS)
Eric Winsor (CE)
Daniel Woodworth (CS)
Lawrence Wu (CS)
Yulin Xie (CE)
Marion Xu (CS)
Yue Xu (CS)
Eric Yang (CE)
Fan Yang (CS)
Kevin Yang (CS)
Yichao Yang (CS)
Yuan Yao (CS)
Alex Ying (EE)
Luyao Yuan (CS)
Yetong Zhang (CE)
William Zhang (CS)
Lihu Zhang (CS)
Alexander Zhu (CS)
SURE Awards
These awards provided funding for students to work with faculty members on research projects of mutual interest. Following is a list of projects and participants.
Active Learning and Crowdsourcing Interface
Student Name: Yulong Cao
Student Name: Yanqi Wang
Faculty Advisor/Mentor: Barzan Mozafari
Bio-Dynamics of Animal Locomotion
Student Name: Yang Zhang
Faculty Advisor/Mentor: Bogdan Epureanu (ME)
A Bisimulation-Like Algorithm for Abstracting Control Systems
Student Name: Andrew Wagenmaker
Faculty Advisor/Mentor: Necmiye Ozay
A Combined Adjoint Approach to Mesh Refinement and Performance Analysis
Student Name: Liang Liu
Faculty Advisor/Mentor: Krzysztof Fidkowski (AERO)
Computational Strategic Reasoning
Student Name: Ashley Hou
Faculty Mentor: Michael Wellman (EECS)
Computer Vision and TableTop BlocksWord
Student Name: Max Morrison
Faculty Mentor: Jason Corso (EECS)
Crowd-Powered Robotics
Name: Xieyang Liu
Student Name: Yilei An
Faculty Mentor: Walter Lasecki (EECS)
Deep Visual Analogy-Making
Student Name: Luyao Yuan
Faculty Mentor: Honglak Lee (EECS)
Design and Test on Origami-based Earthworm-like Robot
Student Name: Yetong Zhang
Faculty Mentor: Kon-Well Wang (ME)
Dialog System for Academic Advising
Student Name: Yuxin Liu
Faculty Mentor: Emily Mower Provost (EECS)
Driver’s Assistance Technologies for Safe Intersection Crossing and Highway Merging
Student Name: Lixing Huang
Faculty Mentor: Dimitra Panagou (ME)
ECE SURE Project (Title Unknown)
Student Name: Spencer Haney
Faculty Mentor: Al-Thaddeus Avestruz (EECS)
Extremely Tight Focusing for Super High Intensity
Student Name: Mark Mathis
Faculty Mentor: John Nees (EECS)
Improvement of the Tools DESUMA and UMDES
Student Name: Dylan Lawton
Faculty Mentor: Stephane Lafortune (EECS)
Inferring Electric Load Behavior with Online Learning to Increase Renewable Energy Levels in Power Systems
Student Name: Sarah Peterson
Student Name: John Wolfe
Faculty Mentor: Johanna Mathieu (EECS)
The Investigation of Cancer Stem Cell Development Using Single Cell Microfluidics
Student Name: Henry Wang
Faculty Mentor: Euisik Yoon (EECS)
IOE SURE Project (Title Unknown)
Student Name: Jiachen Wang
Faculty Mentor: IOE Faculty
Layer By Layer Dip Coater
Student Name: Zidong Li
Faculty Mentor: Parag Deotare (EECS)
Texture Classification with Texture Similarity Metric
Student Name: Jie Song
Faculty Advisor/Mentor: David Neuhoff
Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Adverse Outcomes in Healthcare
Student Name: Cheng Perng Phoo
Faculty Mentor: Jenna Wiens (EECS)
Near-Optimal Online State Estimation with Persistent Sensor Faults
Student Name: Lingyun Gao
Faculty Mentor: Necmiye Ozay (EECS)
Optical Hall Characterization of Thin Film Semiconductors
Student Name: Vishal Subrahmanyam
Student Name: Jason VandenBerg
Faculty Mentor: Becky Peterson (EECS)
Robot Mobile Manipulation
Student Name: Xinyu Chang
Student Name: Jordan McKay
Faculty Mentor: Chad Jenkins (EECS)
Robotics SURE Project (Untitled)
Student Name: Jon Toto
Faculty Mentor: Ella Atkins (Robotics)
Secure Computing by Construction
Student Name: Harrison Davis
Student Name: Yijun Hou
Faculty Mentor: Valeria Bertacco (EECS)
Simulations and Experiments for 3D Dynamic Coverage with Aerial Robots
Student Name: Zhipeng Xu
Faculty Mentor: Dimitra Panagou (AERO)
Teaching and Learning in Engineering
Student Name: Julia Kerst
Faculty Mentor: Cindy Finelli (EECS)
Texture Classification with Texture Similarity Metric
Student Name: Shen Jin
Student Name: Abhinav Reddy
Faculty Mentor: David Neuhoff (EECS)
Theoretical Quantum Information
Student Name: Xuefeng Hu
Student Name: Jessica Thompson
Faculty Mentor: Yaoyun Shi (EECS)
Thin Film Transistor Modeling and Circuit Implementations
Student Name: Chengpei Xi
Faculty Mentor: Becky Peterson (EECS)
Ultra-low Power Circuit Design for Millimeter Sized Sensor Nodes
Student Name: Junjie Dong
Faculty Mentor: David Blaauw (EECS)
Underlying Models of HVAC Systems and Buildings in Energy Plus
Student Name: Chen Fu
Faculty Mentor: Necmiye Ozay (EECS)
Wireless Power Transfer
Student Name: Chuxi Wei
Faculty Mentor: Al-Thaddeus Avestruz (EECS)