Dissertation Defense
Unbounded Scalable Hardware Verification
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Model-checking is a formal verification method that has been successfully applied to real-world
hardware and software designs. Model-checking tools, however, encounter the so-called state-
explosion problem, since the size of the state spaces of such designs is exponential in the number
of their state elements. In this thesis, we address this problem by exploiting the power of two
complementary approaches: (a) counterexample-guided abstraction and refinement (CEGAR) of
the design's datapath; and (b) the recently-introduced IC3 and PDR approximate reachability
algorithms. These approaches are well-suited to verify control-centric properties in hardware
designs consisting of wide datapaths and complex control logic. They also handle most complex
design errors in typical hardware designs. Datapath abstraction prunes irrelevant bit-level details
of datapath elements, thus greatly reducing the size of the state space that must be analyzed and
allowing us to focus on the control logic, where most errors originate. The induction-based
approximate reachability algorithms offer the potential of significantly reducing the number of
iterations needed to prove/disprove given properties by avoiding the implicit or explicit
enumeration of reachable states. Our experimental results on a number of industrial benchmarks
show that our approach is scalable and significantly outperforms bit-level verification.