CSE Seminar
Towards building Internet of Vehicles
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Recent developments in the automotive industry point to a new emerging domain of connected vehicles, in which vehicles equipped with wireless radios can communicate a wide range of information to each other as well as the Internet infrastructure, including traffic updates, safety notification and infotainment content. This talk will elaborate one particular example of vehicular applications – collaborative automotive sensing, which could be supported by vehicular networks. In collaborative automotive sensing, hundreds of embedded automotive sensors in each vehicle, coupled with online maps and other databases as well as crowd-sourced information from other cars, can jointly assess vehicular surrounding environments and driving contexts, and be used to enhance system performance and provide assistance to vehicle drivers and passengers.
Dr. Fan Bai is a lab group manager in the Electrical & Control Systems Lab., Research & Development and Planning, General Motors Corporation, since Sep., 2005. Before joining General Motors research lab, he received the B.S. degree in automation engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1999, and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering, from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in 2005.
His current research is focused on the discovery of fundamental principles and the analysis and design of protocols/systems for next-generation vehicular networks, for safety, telematics and infotainment applications. He published about 100 research papers in top-quality conferences and journals, and received more than 12,000 citations (according to Google Scholar). He also has more than 120 patents granted or pending.
He received Charles L. McCuen Special Achievement Award from General Motors Corporation in recognition of his accomplishment in area of vehicle-to-vehicle communications for drive assistance & safety. He was featured as “ITS People” in 2014 by IEEE ITS Magazine for his technical contributions to vehicular networks and intelligent transportation systems. He serves as Technical Program Co-Chairs for IEEE WiVec 2007, IEEE MoVeNet 2008, ACM VANET 2011 and ACM VANET 2012, among other leading roles in academic and industry technical conferences. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology and IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, and he also serves as guest editors for IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine and Elsevier AdHoc Networks Journal. He is a Fellow and Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE.