Faculty Candidate Seminar
Introduction to Classes and Objects in Python
Liia ButlerPh.D. CandidateUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
3725 Beyster Building
Monday, December 9, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am
This event is free and open to the publicAdd to Google Calendar
This event is free and open to the publicAdd to Google Calendar

Teaching Faculty Candidate Seminar
Zoom link for remote participants, passcode: 317697
Abstract: In this teaching demonstration, we will discuss classes and objects in Python as would be part one of a multi-lecture topic for an intro programming course. We will cover the basic terminology around classes and objects, how to create objects from user-defined classes, and how to use objects to accomplish various tasks. We will also do a debugging exercise based off of a bug students commonly face when first learning about classes and objects. At the end, I will discuss more about my research behind the debugging exercise.
I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science advised by Professor Geoffrey Herman in the Computers and Education research area at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). I also received my MS in Computer Science from UIUC and my BS in Computer Science from the University of Kansas (after starting as a Film and German double-major with zero computing experience). My research focuses on testing and debugging education and computer-based collaborative learning. I have teaching experience across a wide array of courses including intro programming for both majors and non-majors, basic data structures, programming languages and compilers, graduate-level software engineering, and teaching assistant training. I am also playing a significant part in the ongoing course restructure and redesign project for UIUC’s introductory programming for science and engineering majors course and I received the School’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant award for my work supporting the course in the Spring 2024 semester.