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Faculty Candidate Seminar

Teaching Demonstration: An Introduction to Register-Transfer-Level Design Decomposition

Travis DoomAssociate Dean and Professor of Computer Science and EngineeringWright State University
3725 Beyster Building

Teaching Faculty Candidate Seminar

Zoom link for remote participants

Abstract:  An essential skill of all computer science graduates is the ability to work at multiple levels of abstraction to iteratively decompose complex problems towards simplicity.  This Teaching Faculty Candidate Seminar will demonstrate an active learning approach towards teaching design decomposition in the context of a first exposure to high-level
RTL synthesis.  The approach of this lecture might be best used in an introductory computer organization or digital design course with students who have (1) existing familiarity with object-oriented programming, (2) introductory familiarity with digital concepts, but who may (3) not yet have a clear understanding of how non-trivial digital devices are designed.  This approach is regularly used by Dr. Doom towards covering CS2023 knowledge areas in AR-Organization:  Functional Organization.

Bio:  Travis Doom (he/him/his) is an Associate Dean and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Wright State University.  One of his joys is adapting practices to best develop the talents and increase the reach of his students and colleagues.  He is a computing generalist, with a particular interest in the core knowledge units that form the foundation for life-long learning in computing.  His educational research focuses on teaching methods that lift all students and facilitate responses to cultural, ability-based, or gender-identity-based barriers.  In 2018, Dr. Doom was recognized with
the international IEEE-CS Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Award “for tremendous contributions to Computer Science and Engineering through a balanced career incorporating research, mentoring of students, curriculum and pedagogy, development, and service.”

Travis earned his Ph.D. at Michigan State University (Computer Science, 1998).  Since that time, he has been on the Faculty of Wright State University, where he currently serves as Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science.  Dr. Doom has served as University Distinguished Professor of Teaching, University Distinguished Professor of Service, Faculty President, been recognized as Student Government’s Faculty Member of the Year, and has received the WSU Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence.  More details regarding Travis Doom’s career are available at


Cindy Estell

Faculty Host

Marcus Darden