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Symposium on High Frequency Microelectronics

Invited Speakers

Register to attend with Deb Swartz. This is a Symposium on
High Frequency Microelectronics
to honor the contributions of George Haddad to
The University of Michigan and the
Microelectronics Research Community
The field of high frequency microelectronics has grown in the last four decades from low GHz to THz frequencies, from milliwatts to tens of watts, and from silicon to a significant fraction of the periodic table. The growth has been driven by a better understanding of the physics of small fast devices, and by the ability to accurately design complex electromagnetic structures with computers. The symposium will discuss advances in microelectronics from the point of view of materials, basic device physics, circuits, modeling and applications.

A list of the Symposium speakers includes:

John Cowles, Analog Devices
Heribert Eisele, University of Leeds
Linda Katehi, Purdue University
Imran Medhi, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Umesh Mishra, University of California at Santa Barbara
Dimitris Pavlidis, University of Darmstadt
Gabriel Rebeiz, University of California at San Diego
Mike Shur, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Mike Stroscio, University of Illinois at Chicago
Doug Teeter, RF Micro Devices
Bob Trew, North Carolina State University
Dwight Woolard, Army Research Laboratory
Kyounghoon Yang, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


There is no charge for the symposium, but for catering purposes, registration is required by September 16. Please contact Deb Swartz at 936-2965 (or [email protected]).

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