Solid-State and Nano Seminar
Semiconductor Nanostructures for Energy Efficient Optoelectronic Device Applications
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In this talk we will give a brief overview of recent research activities in Photonics Laboratory in KAUST. We will focus our discussion on the generation of broadband lasing action in InGaAs/InP quantum- dot/dash nanostructures and its application in energy efficient computer and communication systems. Our recent progress on porous GaN, and GaN nanowires and nanorods fabricated using a novel UV-assisted electro-less etching technique will also be discussed.
Boon S. Ooi received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and electrical engineering from the University of Glasgow (U.K.) in 1992 and 1994, respectively. He served as a faculty member in Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and Lehigh University (U.S.A.) before joining KAUST as a Professor of Electrical Engineering in 2009. His research interests include the development of semiconductor photonics integrated circuits and light emitting devices. He is a Fellow of the SPIE and the Institute of Physics (U.K.), and a Senior Member of IEEE.