WIMS Seminar
Part 3–A Fully Integrated Auto-Calibrated Super-Regenerative Receiver
Jia-yi Chen, Graduate Student, Univ. of Michigan
ABSTRACT: (Jia-yi Chen) A fully integrated super-regenerative receiver in 0.13 µm CMOS with on-chip quench generation is described. Auto-calibration improves the selectivity of a Q-enhanced filter and the sensitivity of super-regeneration. The prototype consumes 2.8mW, or 5.6nJ per received bit, at 500kb/s, and has a turn-on time of 83.6 µs, a channel spacing of 10MHz, and a sensitivity of –90dBm.
BIO: Jia-yi Chen was born in Taipei, Taiwan, 1976. He received the BS degree from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1998, and the MS degree from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2003, all in electrical engineering. He is a Research Assistant working toward the PhD degree in VLSI. His research interests include mixed signal/RF and low power wireless receiver design. He is currently working on the theory and implementation of super-regenerative receivers.