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WIMS Seminar

Overview of Metrology Development at NIST for Micro and Nano Technologies

John SuehlePh.D.NIST

Leader, CMOS and Novel Devices Group;
Semiconductor Electronics Division;
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

As the semiconductor industry continually innovates electronic products through functional diversification such as “More than Moore” design approaches, there will be an increased need for metrology to characterize devices such as MEMS, NEMS sensors and actuators, and nano-electronic devices. This presentation will highlight diverse projects in the NIST Semiconductor Electronics Division such as MEMS standards for materials properties, microfluidic metrology, metrology for integrated transducers, and micro-robotics metrology. A brief overview of research efforts to develop measurement methods and test structures to extract critical parameters of nanoelectronics such as carbon-based, spin-based, and molecular-based devices for logic and memory applications will also be presented.
John S. Suehle received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1980, 1982, and 1988 respectively. Since 1982, he has been in the Semiconductor Electronics Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, where he is leader of the CMOS and Novel Devices Group. His research activities include failure and wear-out mechanisms in semiconductor devices, radiation effects in microelectronic devices, micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS), and metrology issues relating to future electronic devices. Dr. Suehle has authored or co-authored over 170 technical papers or conference proceedings and holds 5 U.S. patents. He serves as the Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices in the reliability area and has served as guest editor of the IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. He holds positions on the management committees of the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, and the IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop. Dr. Suehle serves as the chairman of the Oxide Integrity Working Group of the EIA/JEDEC JC 14.2 Standards Committee and is a member of Eta Kappa Nu.

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