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Computer Engineering Seminar

Next-Generation Wireless LAN Technology

Prof. Teresa H. Meng

Anyone wishing to meet with prof. Meng please contact Steve Reger at [email protected]
The availability of unlicensed bands and low-cost CMOS technology
for broadband wireless communication have dramatically changed the wireless
landscape in the past few years. The wireless network strategies
provided by the cellphone industry are fundamentally inadequate
due a combination of high cost and low performance. The newly established
high-performance, low-cost wireless LAN technology has the potential
to provide wide-area wireless connectivity at 1000 times the
speed and a fraction of the cost. This unlicensed-band network model can
rapidly take advantage of new technologies, as opposed to the telecom
solutions which are limited by legacy systems and cost of infra-structure.
Distributed, instantaneous deployment of wireless networks will allow
seamless connection of a multitude of communication and consumer devices.
State-of-the-art developments of the wireless LAN technology will be
given in this talk, along with the opportunities for future innovations.

Teresa H. Meng is the Reid Weaver Dennis Professor of Electrical Engineering
at Stanford University. Her research activities during the first 10 years
at Stanford included low-power circuit and system design, video signal
processing, and wireless communications.
In 1999, Dr. Meng took leave from Stanford and founded Atheros Communications,
which delivers the core technology for high-performance wireless communication
systems. As a result of this effort, Dr. Meng was named one of the Top 10
Entrepreneurs in 2001 by Red Herring, Innovator of the Year in 2002
by MIT Sloan School eBA, and the CIO 20/20 Vision Award in 2002.
She returned to Stanford in 2000 to continue her research and teaching at
the University.

Dr. Meng's current research interests focus on circuit optimization and
neural signal processing. She has received many awards and honors for her
research work at Stanford: an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award,
an ONR Young Investigator Award, an IBM Faculty Development Award, a best
paper award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the Eli Jury Award
from U.C. Berkeley, and awards from AT&T, Okawa Foundation and other
industry and academic organizations. She is the author of one book,
several book chapters, and over 200 technical articles in journals and
conferences. Dr. Meng is a Fellow of the IEEE. She received her Ph.D.
in EECS from the University of California at Berkeley in 1988.

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