Dissertation Defense
Long-Term Non-Bleaching Nanoscale Imaging by Plasmonic Nanoscope
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Long-term observation of live cells and activities, including cell dynamics and cellular responses, is a crucial technology in the field of cell studies such as cancer diagnostics and disease therapy. The challenges of long-term imaging fall under four categories: selection of cell type amenable to long-term imaging; precise control of the cellular environment under in-vitro system; imaging system and probe design to overcome photobleaching, phototoxicity, and to achieve high resolution; efficient data extraction and post data analysis process. Here we present a long-term non-bleaching nanoscale imaging method by plasmonic nanoscope. Through plasmonic nanoparticles labeling and phase intensity separation of nanoprobes, we achieved non-bleaching, nanoscale imaging of biological systems, such as actin networks. Using our optimized imaging system, we were able to continuously observe long-term biological dynamics in the window of days.
CHAIR: Professor Somin Eunice Lee