LNF Seminar
LNF Users Symposium

Building upon the success of past events, we continue our annual tradition of bringing the whole LNF community together to learn about each other's work and celebrate the wide variety of research being done at the LNF.
This year, we are also celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the LNF expansion – come join us!
The symposium is free and open to all but please register "“ Online registration is available. In addition, LNF tours can be scheduled at the end of the symposium for those interested. Food will be provided.
If you are an LNF user, participate in the poster contest and share your research! There are cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
Tentative agenda
10:00am: Welcome from Professor Wei Lu, LNF Director
10:15am "“ 11:15pm: Keynote Speaker, Professor Ken Wise "the LNF: Creating a National and Global Resource"
11:15am – 12:15pm: Keynote Speaker, Dr Dennis Grimard "building, Outfitting, and Operating MIT.nano … a Journey to the nanoscale"
12:30pm "“ 2:00pm: LNF Users Poster Sessions with over 40 posters, excellent food and vendor exhibition!
2:00pm "“ 4:00pm LNF Users Technical Talks
4:30pm: Poster Prizes and Wrap Up
4:45pm: Adjourn and LNF tours for those who signed up