ECE Seminar
Information: Storage, Processing, Transmission and Learning: A Symposium in honor of David L. Neuhoff

Friends and former students of Prof. David L. Neuhoff are celebrating his 70th birthday with a Symposium on Information: Storage, Processing, Transmission and Learning.
Dave Neuhoff, who has served as president of the IEEE Information Society, is an internationally recognized expert in information theory, source coding and image processing. He is well known for his contributions to source coding, especially his development of universal source coding, causal source coding and high-resolution quantization theory, and to image processing, including his development of image compression methods, halftoning methods for laser printers and texture similarity metrics.
He received the Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award for his sustained efforts as advisor, teacher, advocate, sponsor, and role model to doctoral students. His 30 doctoral students have gone on to become leaders in industry and academia, with seven holding tenure or tenure-track positions at major institutions of higher education. He has been referred to by his colleagues as "a scholar's scholar."