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e-HAIL Event

Inferring Casual Gene Regulation from Interventional Molecular Measurements

Joshua Welch, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceU-M Medical School and U-M College of Engineering

Deciphering the molecular mechanisms that regulate gene expression would be transformative for biomedical research. With recent advances in biotechnology, such as CRISPR combined with single-cell sequencing, it is now possible to design high-throughput interventional experiments that perturb gene regulation in defined ways. However, the experiments are expensive, time-consuming, and produce noisy results. In addition, the true causal graph is large, cyclic, and context-dependent. I will share preliminary ideas about experimental design and causal inference methods for this problem. I would appreciate ideas and feedback from those with expertise in causal inference and/or experimental techniques.

Zoom information will be sent to e-HAIL members.


J. Henrike Florusbosch