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e-HAIL Event

Grant Writing Support Drop-In Office Hours

J. Henrike Florusbosch, PhDe-HAIL Program ManagerMichigan Medicine/College of EngineeringHossam Abouzahr, MA, MPPe-HAIL Grant WriterMichigan Medicine/College of Engineering

e-HAIL faculty dyads can work with our grant writer in preparation for a joint grant application drawing on the combined contributions of an AI and health expert. In this session, you will learn about the grant writing support available, including: 

  • advanced editing
  • consultation and feedback
  • graphics
  • non-technical writing
  • summary/checklist of the NOFO/RFA
  • review of summary statements/reviewer comments
We will also discuss recent NOFO/RFAs and NOSI that are particularly relevant to the e-HAIL community.
Zoom information will be sent to e-HAIL members.


J. Henrike Florusbosch