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GE Aerospace Info Session (for graduate students)

Eric WesterveltTechnology Manager in the Digital and Electrical System GroupGE Aerospace Research
1500 EECS BuildingMap

This event is open to graduate students (MS, MEng, and PhD) studying ECE, ME, Aero, and/or Materials Engineering.

Come meet Eric Westervelt and GE Aerospace Researchers to learn about their experiences working in a premiere industrial research center. The team will also discuss employment opportunities and leave time to take questions.

Eric Westervelt is a Technology Manager in the Digital and Electrical System group at GE Aerospace Research. Eric leads the team developing advanced embedded systems and algorithms that improve the performance and security of GE Aerospace’s products and services.

Prior to this role, Eric was a Senior Engineer at GE Research where he applied his expertise in the application of advanced control algorithms to mechanical systems to bring value and solve system-level problems. Eric received his PhD from the University of Michigan in electrical engineering in 2003 and is excited to be back on campus meeting graduate students and sharing information about exciting career opportunities at GE Aerospace Research!

Learn more about GE Aerospace Research:

https://www.ge.com/research/ Register today at link above.