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MPEL Seminar

Canceled, To Be Rescheduled

Johanna VorwerkAssistant ProfessorTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)
3316 EECS BuildingMap

Abstract: With deeper penetration of inverter-based generation and distributed energy sources worldwide, new challenges, such as the decline in ancillary service providers and the speed-up of power system dynamics, are arising. This talk assesses the impact of the electrification of formerly gas-based heating with inverter-interfaced heat pumps on frequency dynamics in the Victorian (VIC) power system. Using a large-scale multi-level dynamic test case representing the future VIC system, the talk links steady-state and dynamic analyses and compares the fast frequency reserve (FFR) potential from batteries against heat pumps. The discussion first studies different control modes. Then, it assesses post-disturbance frequency and voltage performance for five exemplary days with hourly resolutions for different battery sizes and electrification levels. Results reveal substantial potential for electrifying the residential heating demand in Victoria, showcasing significant improvements in frequency metrics. Importantly, employing the electrified heating demand for FFR demonstrates comparable or superior performance to a large battery.

Bio: Johanna Vorwerk received the M.Sc. in Energy Science and Technology and the PhD in Electrical Engineering degrees from ETH Zürich in 2018 and 2023, respectively. She joined the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Copenhagen as a postdoc in late 2023 and became an assistant professor in May 2024. Johanna’s research interests are at the interface of power system dynamics and stability of inverter-based, renewable power systems and machine learning. Johanna was awarded the Best Presentation Award of the Frontiers in Energy Research Seminar Series at ETH Zürich. She is receiving competitive funding from DTU to support future research toward integrating ML-based tools into power system operations.

Sponsored by

Michigan Power and Energy Lab (MPEL) Institute for Energy Solutions (IES)

Faculty Host

Johanna MathieuAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Michigan