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WIMS Seminar

Developing WSN Applications in a SNAP with Embedded Python Virtual Machine (VM) and RPC-Based Mesh Network Technology

Mr. David EwingSynapse Wireless

This presentation focuses on developing low-power wireless mesh networks by programming embedded devices over-the-air using Python, a modern dynamic scripting language. In this interactive session, Synapse's SNAP 802.15.4 technology will be explored through several live demonstrations.

The promise of ubiquitous wireless technology has been with us for some years now. But real-world mesh networks face unique challenges that are difficult to solve with an off-the-shelf solution. SNAP's platform-independent, dynamic approach enables rapid development of customized embedded mesh networking products.

David Ewing is responsible for all software and hardware engineering at Synapse Wireless. With over eighteen years of experience in the Telecom, Networking, and Enterprise Database industries, Mr. Ewing has demonstrated a broad range of engineering expertise and a proven track record in building and managing software development teams. Mr. Ewing held key engineering and management positions with Adtran, Inc. and Nokia Broadband Systems. Mr. Ewing was a founder and CTO of Huntsville startup Teracruz, Inc, and Senior Software Architect for DiscoveryCom, Inc. Mr. Ewing holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Auburn University.

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