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Communications and Signal Processing Seminar

Data-Centric Networking: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

Edmund YehProfessor of Electrical and Computer EngineeringNortheastern University

ABSTRACT: In the era of big data, domain experts in various engineering and science fields are facing unprecedented challenges in data distribution, processing, access and analysis, and in the coordinated use of limited computing, storage and network resources.  To meet this challenge, data-centric network design approaches such as Named Data Networking (NDN) have been proposed, which focus on enabling end users to obtain the data they want, rather than simply on communication between specific nodes.

In this talk, we present new frameworks for the optimization of key functionalities supported by data-centric networking, which are broadly applicable to content delivery networks, peer-to-peer networks, wireless heterogeneous networks, and dispersive computing networks.  The frameworks enable joint (in-network) caching, request routing, and congestion control, for optimizing metrics including routing costs, data retrieval delay, and content-based fairness.  We meet the challenge of the underlying NP-hard problems by developing polynomial-time approximation algorithms with proven optimality guarantees, with particular emphasis on adaptive and distributed implementations.  We further discuss the extension of these frameworks for jointly optimal wireless user association, interference management and content caching in wireless heterogeneous networks, and for jointly optimal computation scheduling, caching and request forwarding in distributed computing networks.

Finally, we discuss an ongoing project which applies the optimization frameworks and algorithms to facilitate data distribution and computation in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) high-energy physics network, one of the largest data applications in the world.

BIO: Edmund Yeh received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering with Distinction and Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University in 1994.  He then studied at Cambridge University on the Winston Churchill Scholarship, obtaining his M.Phil in Engineering in 1995.  He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT under Professor Robert Gallager in 2001.  He is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University with a courtesy appointment in Khoury School of Computer Sciences.  He was previously Assistant and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Statistics at Yale University.

Professor Yeh is an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.  He serves as the inaugural Area Editor for Networking and Computation for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.  He has received three Best Paper Awards, including awards at the 2017 ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), and at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Communication Theory Symposium.  Professor Yeh is the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, the Army Research Office Young Investigator Award, the Winston Churchill Scholarship, the National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research Graduate Fellowships, the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, the Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Scholastic Award, and Stanford University President’s Award for Academic Excellence.  Professor Yeh served as TPC Co-Chair for ACM MobiHoc 2021 and as General Chair for ACM SIGMETRICS 2020.  He has served as both Treasurer and Secretary of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society, as well as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.

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Faculty Host

Vijay SubramanianAssociate Professor of EECSUniversity of Michigan