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Faculty Candidate Seminar

CSE Lecturer Candidate Seminar #1

Sebnem OnsayTeaching SpecialistMichigan State University

CSE Lecturer Candidate Seminar

"First programming course" serves as a gateway course, providing students with one of their initial exposure to computer science. It introduces students to problem solving skills and analytical thinking techniques. Experience of students in this course can play a significant role in their choice of Computer Science and Engineering as a major and their willingness to persist in their CSE career.
In a flipped classroom technique, the content delivery includes video captured lectures, power point presentations, and Web-based tutorials. Therefore, it frees classroom time for targeted activities and focuses the course on learning on problem solving techniques. Although students are able to access course materials outside of the classroom environment, unlike an online class, the flipped classroom offers face-to-face time with the instructor during these problem solving sessions. This instructor student interaction creates more opportunities to ask questions. I will share my views and experiences with this technique in comparison to traditional classroom approach.

Currently working as, a teaching specialist at Michigan State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Prior to that, she was a teaching faculty in CSE at Oakland University for 10 years. She earned her Master of Science from the same university in 2001 and Bachelor of Science in CSE from Eastern Michigan University. Under industrial experience she worked as a business analyst at EDS (now HP) for 2 years and also for her own company, CNV. She is actively involved in Michigan Women in Computing (MICWIC) and an academic alliance with National Center for Women and Information Technology(NCWIT). Her teaching focus is problem solving with object oriented programming techniques and data structures. Her research interests include evidence based learning programs, effective teaching tools and techniques for CSE classes.

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