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Control Seminar

Control co-design of Renewable Energy Harvesting Systems

Kartik Praful NaikAssistant Research Scientist & LecturerUniversity of Michigan, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
1303 EECS BuildingMap

Abstract:  Many real-world systems are inherently multidisciplinary. In specific instances, the various disciplines within a system are bi-directionally coupled – changes in one variable affect the optimum value of another, and vice versa. In such cases, the simultaneous consideration of subsystem variables, often referred to as co-design, becomes imperative to prevent system suboptimality or constraint violations. Control co-design (CCD) addresses the simultaneous optimization of both the plant and controller of a system. Interestingly, we commonly observe instances of plant-controller coupling in most renewable energy technologies, necessitating the use of co-design frameworks for optimization. However, there are several challenges associated with concurrently optimizing the plant and control variables of a system. This presentation discusses some of the challenges I encountered during my research and the corresponding solution strategies.

Bio:  Dr. Kartik Praful Naik, got his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University under the guidance of Dr. Chris Vermillion. His graduate research focused on energy-harvesting kite systems, specifically experimental validation, and system-level optimization tool development based on control co-design. He then joined the University of Michigan (U of M) as a postdoc under Prof. Jing Sun, focusing on hydrokinetic turbines. He also serves as the project manager for an ARPA-E project.

*** The event will take place in a hybrid format. The location for in-person attendance will be room 1303 EECS. Attendance will also be possible via Zoom. The Zoom link and password will be distributed to the Controls Group e-mail list-serv. The seminar link is also provided below for your convenience.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://umich.zoom.us/j/95300827589

Meeting ID: 953 0082 7589

Passcode: XXXXXX (Will be sent via e-mail to attendees)

Zoom Passcode information is also available upon request to: Sher Nickrand([email protected])

To join this list-serv, please send an (empty) email message to [email protected] with the word “subscribe” in the subject line. To cancel your subscription, send an email to [email protected]  with the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line.  Zoom information is also available upon request to Sher Nickrand(sherylb@umich.edu).

See full seminar by Kartik Praful Naik

Faculty Host

Vasileios TzoumasAssistant Professor, Aerospace EngineeringCollege of Engineering, University of Michigan