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Control Seminar

Energy maximizing control of wave energy systems – the COER way!

John RingwoodDirector, Centre for Ocean Energy ResearchMaynooth University, IrelandProfessor, Electronic EngineeringMaynooth University, National University of Ireland
1303 EECS Building

Abstract: Though wave energy systems are not yet commercial, control has been identified as an important enabling technology that can reduce the cost of wave energy, allowing it to compete economically with other renewable and conventional energy sources. However, wave energy systems, which are diverse in form and operating principle, represent a challenging control problem, in terms of panchromatic reciprocating energy flux, hydrodynamic modeling complexity, non-causality in the fundamental control solution, and adverse sensitivity properties. In addition, the wave energy control problem is expressed in terms of an energy-maximizing performance function, rather than being easily reduced to a set-point following problem, while a key system input variable, the wave excitation force, is unmeasurable.

This talk will detail a number of specific challenges which make the wave energy control problem somewhat unique and challenging, documented as ‘control paradoxes’ in that they often fly in the face of conventional control wisdom. As an opening gambit, an overview of the Centre for Ocean Energy, its raison d’etre, and a summary of its activities, will be presented.

Bio: John Ringwood received the HonsDipEE from TU Dublin, the BSc(Eng) in electrical engineering from Trinity College Dublin (both in 1981), and the PhD in control systems from Strathclyde University (1984). He subsequently received an MA in music technology from Maynooth University in 2005. He spent 15 years at Dublin City University as a member of the academic staff in the School of Electronic Engineering, with concurrent terms as a visiting academic at Massey University and the University of Auckland. He joined Maynooth University in 2000, as chair professor and founding head of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering and built the Dept. from a greenfield site, also serving as Dean of Engineering from 2001 to 2006. He is currently Professor of Electronic Engineering and Director of the Centre for Ocean Energy Research at Maynooth University. He is Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy and the Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy and Deputy Subject Editor for IET RPG. John received the 2016 IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award and was awarded Chevalier des Palmes Academiques by the French Government in 2017 for his contribution to ocean energy research. In addition to over 400 peer-reviewed publications, he is co-author of the book Hydrodynamic Control of Wave Energy Devices (with Umesh Korde) and holds 3 patents. His commercialization activities, which include the spin-out company Wave Venture, have been recognized by Enterprise Ireland (2008 Industrial Technologies Commercialization Award) and Maynooth University (2013 Commercialisation Award). His research interests are in control systems, ocean and renewable energy, and biomedical engineering.

*** This event will take place in a hybrid format. The location for in-person attendance will be room 1303 EECS.   Attendance will also be available via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://umich.zoom.us/j/95300827589?pwd=SXpxdHI1RW0vNWN2Z2x1NmNxQUJGUT09

Meeting ID: 953 0082 7589

Passcode: XXXXXX (Will be sent via e-mail to attendees)

Zoom Passcode information is also available upon request to Sher Nickrand ([email protected])


Please see the full seminar by Professor John Ringwood

Faculty Host

Lei ZuoHerbert C. Sadler Collegiate Professor of EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, NAME