Faculty Candidate Seminar
Building a quantum internet with photons and electron spins
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How do we get quantum systems to ‘talk’ to each other? How can we distribute entanglement at global scales? I will describe our work tackling these challenges by using light as a robust mediator of quantum interactions between matter qubits. First, I overview the development of optically-active electron spins in silicon carbide as a platform to realize long-distance quantum links. These qubits uniquely combine world-record spin coherence, noiseless single photon emission, and nanophotonic device integration- all in a wafer-scale semiconductor. I will then present our recent discovery of a quantum material with an electro-optic tunability orders of magnitude greater than leading systems, enabled by harnessing quantum phase transitions. This large cryogenic optical nonlinearity paves the way for photonic quantum computing, scaling of superconducting processors, and the microwave-to-optical transduction needed to link leading quantum systems to optical networks. These results highlight the power of controlling electron spins and photons in condensed matter systems to enable a future quantum internet.
Chris Anderson is currently an Intelligence Community postdoctoral research fellow in Jelena Vučković’s group at Stanford in Electrical Engineering. There, he explores how photonics can overcome outstanding challenges in quantum science and technology. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago working with David Awschalom, where he won an NDSEG fellowship for his research on solid-state electron spin qubits. Previously, he graduated with a B.S. in both physics and chemistry from the University of Michigan. He is also a founder of the Open Quantum Initiative, whose mission is to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in quantum science. Recently, Chris was a recipient of a 2022 Quantum Creators Prize.