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Solid-State and Nano Seminar

Atomic Layer Deposited Overlayers on Metal Clusters

Dr Gunther AnderssonProfessor of Chemical Physics and NanotechnologyFlinders UniversityDeputy DirectorFlinders Institute for NanoScale Science and Technology
3316 EECS Building
Photo of Prof Gunther Andersson


Metal clusters with a size of less than 100 atoms are suitable for modifying the electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces. Metal clusters have been shown to be promising candidates as co-catalysts for photocatalytic water splitting due their discrete energy levels which depend on the number of atoms forming a cluster. Size selected clusters with a specific number of atoms can be fabricated with a high degree purity either chemically or with gas phase cluster sources. However, using such clusters as co-catalysts requires implementing processes which suppress their agglomeration on catalyst surfaces. Several processes will be discussed from inducing surface defects, using porous surfaces to applying thin overlays.


Professor Gunther Andersson has a focus on using electron spectroscopy and ion scattering to understand surfaces and interfaces, and to use that understanding to develop and improve applications of materials. This research has been facilitated by Gunther’s research group developing new methods and equipment for investigating surfaces, including under ultra-high vacuum conditions as well as liquid surfaces with finite vapour pressure. The latter capability enables the analysis of surfaces relevant for atmospheric research.