WN24: From Zero Towards One: Turn Ideas into Technologies and Products That Matter

WN24: From Zero Towards One: Turn Ideas into Technologies and Products That Matter

Course No:
EECS 498-014/EECS 598-013
Credit Hours:
4 credits
Krisztian Flautner
EECS 281

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” – wrote Napoleon Hill, an entrepreneur, author of self-help books, and a conman, in the early 20th century. His point was that innovation requires a certain action-oriented but critical mindset for success and that starting on that journey can often be the hardest part. Whether trying to innovate inside an organization, working on an open source project, or attempting to get a startup off the ground, the tools and techniques discussed in this class will be applicable to increase the chances of success. Students will be expected to propose and critically evaluate project ideas, form groups, and execute autonomously to achieve objectives. The groups will report directly to the “general manager” (faculty), with biweekly project meetings.

More info (pdf)