Fall 2022: ENGR 490 Designing Your Engineering Future

Fall 2022: ENGR 490 Designing Your Engineering Future

Course No:
ENGR 490-005
Credit Hours:
2 credits
Joanna Millunchick and Mike Dailey
At least one experiential (i.e., active, concrete, contextual) experience

ENGR 490.004 and 490.005 meet together for the first seven weeks of the semester. Then, ENGR 490.005 continues to the end of the semester. * Indicates information specific to ENGR 490.005.

As graduation approaches, you have engaged in a wealth of experiences and collected a bounty of stories. As you move forward to new experiences, you may have many questions about your future: What career do I want? What lifestyle? What jobs should I apply for? Accept? Should I attend graduate school? Am I an effective engineer?

This course will help you leverage your past experiences to create and use tools that will help you answer questions about your personal and professional futures. You’ll create a set of guiding principles and a professional statement and begin a vision for your future. You’ll then apply your principles and vision to make challenging decisions and create professional documents that will be useful in your near future. Throughout this course, you’ll use a set of competencies and collaborate with a group of peers and mentors from academia and industry alike.

* Then, you’ll develop and apply a project to meet your personal and professional goals. Examples of projects include a website, a LinkedIn profile, a vision, or a portfolio. You’ll further examine competencies, such as ethical reasoning, and apply them to examples that engineers often experience at work.

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