Fall 2019: VLSI for Communication and Machine Learning
Fall 2019: VLSI for Communication and Machine Learning
Course No:
EECS 598-006
Credit Hours:
3-4 credits
Hunseok Kim
EECS 351 and (EECS 312 or EECS 370) or grad standing
This course will survey methodologies to design energy efficient and/or high-performance VLSI systems for the state-of-the-art wireless communication, machine learning, and signal processing systems. The primary focus of the course is on designing hardware efficient algorithms and energy-aware VLSI IC architectures to deliver the performance and efficiency required by various signal processing and machine learning applications. The course will be a mix of lectures and student-led presentations/projects. The content will be suitable for senior undergraduates or graduate students interested in hardware-efficient algorithms and their VLSI implementations.
More info (pdf)